How Do They Self-Delude? Let Me Count the Ways

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  1. margaret says:

    The barrage of images from the war in Iraq and the war being waged against innocent civilians in Lebanon by Israel will be enough to convince the pulic that this Administration and Republican-led (Democrate enabling) Congress is a failure.

    And, then, there are the videos of the presidential gaffes in Russia this past week: the ignorance about geography, about Syria vis-a-vis Lebanon, and the Merkel grope. These images are pretty indicting, even for the â€true-believers†who don’t want to know their president is either a fool, heavily medicated, or just plain clueless.

  2. SaltinWound says:

    No one’s making Allen call it a traditional â€working†vacation either. Why slip in that bit of spin? I thought we’d gotten past the rationalization that time off helps Bush make â€crisp†decisions.

  3. readerOfTeaLeaves says:

    These guys are like the queen in Snow White who gazed into the mirror to be assured that she was lovely. The media were syncophantics for Bu$hCo. Rupert Murdock shares culpablity for Iraq and Global Warming with Cheney, Rummy, Abrams, and the rest of the Bu$hCo Believers.

    But I do believe that media mirror is in the process of shattering, and we hear a few more cracks each day.

    I expect a Rovian shitfest directed at the media, in rough proportion to the degree of panic experienced by Bu$hCo. I also expect interesting shifts in the media. The biggest syncophants (Faux News, wingnut media) will assist Rove; I expect their shares to drop. I’d be investing in independent media like crazy if I had deep pockets; people do want information (how else did the blogs explode?).

    One of the things that I’m fascinated to watch is how much of Big Media the Bu$hCo Believers will take down with them. Those ’newz’ sources most closely aligned with Bu$hCo will probably assist Rove in his shit-flinging; when the boat sinks, they’ll all go down together.

    Can’t happen too soon.

  4. SaltinWound says:

    I find this Lamont statement on the situation disappointing:…..iddle-east

    More talk about kidnapped soldiers and Israel’s right to defend itself. He’s not going to outflank Lieberman on this one. I wouldn’t mind some truth telling on the atrocities.

  5. Anonymous says:

    If you’re looking at a Democratic majority in November, and your first instinct is not to reach out for bipartisan comity, or strengthen support among Democratic moderates, but to find as many lawyers as humanly possible, you’re guilty as sin.

  6. kaleidescope says:

    Not to be too much like the Rude Pundit, but anus horribilis — does that refer to Bush or Cheney?

  7. Some Guy says:

    The fog is thick alright. Hardly an original thought but I am hard pressed to imagine a greater measure of arrogance and incompetence in the same package than in Bushco. Full blown dissociation takes careful work to explain but Mike Allen can surely do better than that.

    I am sure Bush does do a little work during that entire month. The point is he should be working harder (much, much, much harder) and he ought to be in his office sending the message he is serious after f***ing up every single thing he’s touched (although thankfully the Merkel-rub was aborted). For a man so evidently obsessed with the primacy of â€body language†he seems to miss the symbolism emptywheell so concisely laid out: world burning like sparkler — brush cutting in Crawford; chance of being investigated — busy on the hustings to keep control of Congress.

    â€Won’t be peaceful†in Iraq is going down seoncd only to â€rabid lambs†(or â€vampiric llama†or â€sclerotic lemurs†or whatever it was) of the Kossacks as worst expressions by journalist/columnist this year.

  8. Some Guy says:

    The fog is thick alright. Hardly an original thought but I am hard pressed to imagine a greater measure of arrogance and incompetence in the same package than in Bushco. Full blown dissociation takes careful work to explain but Mike Allen can surely do better than that.

    I am sure Bush does do a little work during that entire month. The point is he should be working harder (much, much, much harder) and he ought to be in his office sending the message he is serious after f***ing up every single thing he’s touched (although thankfully the Merkel-rub was aborted). For a man so evidently obsessed with the primacy of â€body language†he seems to miss the symbolism emptywheell so concisely laid out: world burning like sparkler — brush cutting in Crawford; chance of being investigated — busy on the hustings to keep control of Congress.

    â€Won’t be peaceful†in Iraq is going down seoncd only to â€rabid lambs†(or â€vampiric llama†or â€sclerotic lemurs†or whatever it was) of the Kossacks as worst expressions by journalist/columnist this year.

  9. No Preference says:

    Making a virtue of necessity, the President’s team says it sees the opportunity for a â€leadership momentâ€â€”and, however counterintuitive, an unexpected new chance to make headway on Bush’s grand goal of leaving the Middle East more democratic than he found it.

    Yeah right. This article gives a better sense of what Condoleeza Rice’s trip is all about:

    One senior Israeli official told The Times that Dr Rice’s visit would provide a distraction from the humanitarian situation in Lebanon, while the protracted nature of her tour gave Israel another week to continue its military operations.

  10. Brian Boru says:

    I’m waiting for the prime time announcement by King George that the Iraq adventure has turned out not necessarily to our advantage and resigns.