Comstock's New Gig

Via scribe and TPM’s Muck, I see Barbara Comstock is now taking on another legally challenged Republican, Jerry Lewis, as her client.

Barbara Comstock, an attorney with the firm Blank Rome GovernmentRelations and a former Justice Department official, will handle pressinquiries for Lewis’ legal team, the sources added.

I take that to mean Lewis is now regarded as seriously imperiled. And seriously valuable to the conservative project.

Consider this woman’s career track. GOP opposition research, DOJ legal overstep shill, indicted (or soon to be indicted) Republican PR flack. I can’t say I’m surprised.  I just think it’s worth noting that the GOP spent the 1990s spreading lies about us, the early 2000s implementing legally atrocious programs that infringe on our liberties. And now, they employ the same person–apparently full time–to try to lie top GOP leaders out of jail.

I don’t have much more to add. But I do think Comstock deserves a new title. Instead of Opposition Researcher we call her Jailbreak Press-Screecher? Any suggestions?

Update: I like lotus’ suggestion over at Jane’s: A gooper scooper.

  1. jgabriel says:

    Emptywheel: â€I do think Comstock deserves a new title. Instead of Opposition Researcher we call her Jailbreak Press-Screecher? Any suggestions?â€


  2. mamayaga says:

    If Lewis joins the frogmarch, it could be very very big. This is a guy who throws his weight around with very little restraint (I know of a case in which he threatened to cut off funding for an entire federal agency if they didn’t suck it up and dole out his earmarks as they were told). He’s had a lot of weight to throw around, and there are undoubtedly many shady deals to be uncovered in the Jerry Lewis domain.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Re: But I do think Comstock deserves a new title. Instead of Opposition Researcher we call her Jailbreak Press-Screecher? Any suggestions?

    Cum again?