Evidence Dick Didn't Declassify the NIE
As part of Dick Cheney’s attempt to regain the love of his adoring Fox viewer supporters the other day, he threw in a tidbit completely unrelated to the accidental shooting of his friend.
Q  Let me ask you another question. Is it your view that a VicePresident has the authority to declassify information?
THE VICE PRESIDENT:Â There is an executive order to that effect.
QÂ Â There is.
QÂ Â Have you done it?
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, I’ve certainly advocateddeclassification and participated in declassification decisions. Theexecutive order —
QÂ Â You ever done it unilaterally?
THE VICE PRESIDENT: I don’t want to get into that. There is anexecutive order that specifies who has classification authority, andobviously focuses first and foremost on the President, but also includesthe Vice President.
As a result, a number of very smart people have revisited the question of whether Dick Cheney does, in fact, have the power to unilaterally declassify something. But I think we’re getting distracted from the matter at hand.