The Incredible Story of Mahdi Obeidi, Part Five
Summary: In this series of posts, I examine some funkiness regarding the story of Mahdi Obeidi, the Iraqi nuclear scientist who claimed to have buried a nuclear centrifuge under his rose plant. In part one, I lay out a timeline for his story. Parts two and three examine some problems with the materials he turned over. Part four questions the stories Obeidi and Pitzer told about their meeting. In this post, I look at central prop in this story, a WaPo article that provided Obeidi’s motivation for reaching out to Pitzer. The WaPo story doesn’t discredit the story, but it does raise the possibility that Chalabi’s INC was involved in this story.
When faced with the challenge of how to turn over his centrifuge to the Americans without getting arrested, Mahdi Obeidi turned to a WaPo article for inspiration. He explains he was given the Internet printout of the article by a friend. It reminded him of former weapons inspector David Albright, whom Obeidi had met and misinformed in the late 1990s. That reminder gave him the idea to reach out to David Albright to see if he could broker a meeting with the Americans.
what do you make of obeidi’s cameo in hamza’s book?
Ah nuts (no pun intended), you’re not going to make me read another crummy defector book, are you?
I haven’t read it. But I know that Hamza says he came with Obeidi to the US in 1975. Is that what you’re talking about? That doesn’t show up in Obeidi’s book. And in spite of the doubts I’ve got about Obeidi’s book, I still trust it more than Hamza’s. Somewhat.
ew – i’ve been wondering if you were still down this rabbit hole!
do you use your earthlink email account? (i’m interested in your opinion of leopold’s latest. he says that the 1*2*6 leaker isn’t ari)
ew – i’ve been wondering if you were still down this rabbit hole!
do you use your earthlink email account? (i’m interested in your opinion of leopold’s latest. he says that the 1*2*6 leaker isn’t ari)
Yup, still down here with the white rabbit.
I did respond to that email. I’ll try to resend. Yes, I saw JLs piece, and thought of you. Let me see if I can resend.
I resent my response. Let me know if you didn’t get it.
Well, you’re right, Hamza’s book makes Obeidi’s look like high literature in comparison. But of course what’s interesting is that if both books were midwifed by Albright they show the 2000 and 2004? official insider versions of the WMD narratives. What stays the same? What is different? The 1975 trip is an important omission I think.
But to what degree did Albright really midwife these? I’m beginning to think that people like the INC regard him as a useful fool.
In any case, if you say I have to, I’ll go pick up Hamza.
Sigh. See, I’m really enjoying David Halberstam’s Bill Belichick book and don’t want to read anymore defector trash…