1. Anonymous says:

    when old pat gets to meet his inner child, he can work on the details of jesusland then, and we won’t be bothered. I am sure the folks in israel got a lot of money, and a lot of laughs

  2. Anonymous says:

    My little Sect has had a very difficult experience with Israel and the matter of schools. Back in the 1880’s the Ottoman Empire granted British and American Quakers small bits of land for Palestinian Schools. At one point we had ten schools, but now we have none — the last one in Ramallah was, a few years ago, bombed, and turned into a tank parking place, with the meeting house turned into a police station.

    The British and American Quakers were perhaps smart — they turned their deeds to the properties in trust over to a number of meetings so as to preserve the trusts for the schools. But as of recent years no administrators or teachers have been able to get visas to even approach these properties and what they are intended to do.

    I think Robertson and onyone else interested in the â€Jesus Park†deal ought to be asked about the treatment of Quaker School properties and whether they think how it has been dealt with is defensable?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Interesting history, Sara. I did not know that. Any idea if they’ve left the land undeveloped?

    I get revulsed by this because of the long time it took me to train my mother that it’s not â€the Holy Land,†that she had only been trained to call it that (by cruise directors) to shield all consideration of the ugliness of the conflict.

    I can just imagine the well-meaning evangelicals, dumping a lot of money into a â€pilgrimage†to Jesus Land. Without knowing that–really–the leaders of their church were really using them as pawns in a game of geopolitics.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The Jesus park is slated for the shore of the Sea of Galilee near Capernaum, which the Bible identifies as the home of Jesus during his ministry. Capernaum was on the Northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee. The Golan Heights are on the Northeast/East shore. I don’t see any evidence this project is contemplated for the occupied Syrian territory. So the answer to the question:
    Would Robertson, Israel, and all the evangelical cruise directors of the world be so moronic to build their biblical theme park in the Golan Heights?
    appears to be no, and the question itself seems baseless.

    Here, on the other hand, is a fact: nowhere in his â€apology†to the Sharon family does Robertson retract his statement. Nowhere does he say he was mistaken or wrong. In fact, he actually justifies his assertion of divine retribution on the Prime Minister by referring to a specific prophecy. He admits nothing, in fact, except that he was â€insensitiveâ€. Then he blames the media for distorting his statement (apparently by repeating it verbatim).

    Cold hard fact: Robertson still believes Sharon was struck down by the hand of God… he just isn’t saying it out loud in public any more.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Wally. As I said, one story covering this described â€contested territory†which given the lack of detail otherwise, was the reason for my concern.

    I’d also slightly rephrase what you said. We have no idea whether Robertson believes God struck Sharon down (I tend to doubt Robertson’s sincerity on such issues, since it is fairly easy to prove his inconsistency and hypocrisy). We do know, though, that Robertson is unwilling to retract his comment. Which probably says he’s more interested in roiling his listeners than staying in Omri Sharon’s good graces.