Another Iran Boogeyman Article

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  1. Anonymous says:

    we’re apt to come up with much more viable options to maintain our hegemony.

    And that would be a good thing?

  2. Anonymous says:

    It depends.

    If it means we spread freedom of the press and a fairly open society, yeah, it does. I mean, I don’t particularly want to live in China, or Russia.

    But if we continue to prop up our hegemony on the backs of billions of people living off of $2 a day, then no, it’s a terrible thing.

  3. QuickSilver says:

    Good work, emptywheel. Important stuff. I’d like to see it cross-posted to the Big Orange.

    I lived (briefly) in Iran in the mid-1970s, and though I was only a child, I have exceptionally vivid memories of the country. My father was a nuclear engineer, a quality control expert supervising various power plant construction projects around the country. The Shah was building many nuclear power plants, and there were literally thousands of US and European expat engineers employed in various Iranian construction projects.

    I know it is (perhaps) an academic point, but the record should reflect that it was the United States which provided Iran’s first nuclear technologies. Just as we delivered biological weapons capabilities to Saddam in the 1980s, we were handing over nuclear secrets to Iran in the 1970s. Yes, yes — there were strict controls — and one of my father’s jobs was to ensure that none of the nuclear plants (by their very design) could ever be converted to use as a breeder facility. But make no mistake: we, the United States, put the (nuclear) genie in the bottle. And no question, we did hand over some sensitive material. I know, because my father told me.

  4. Anonymous says:


    This one I did cross-post. A lot of people sense this is a bogus article, but they’re not sure how or why. It’s worth pointing out that the article doesn’t even claim Iran is using the materials they’re importing to build a bomb, just that they could.

    And then look at this latest tidbit from Risen’s book:

    In a clumsy effort to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program, the CIA in 2004 intentionally handed Tehran some top-secret bomb designs laced with a hidden flaw that U.S. officials hoped would doom any weapon made from them, according to a new book about the U.S. intelligence agency.

    But the Iranians were tipped to the scheme by the Russian defector hired by the CIA to deliver the plans and may have gleaned scientific information useful for designing a bomb, writes New York Times reporter James Risen in â€State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration.â€

    So it’s not just your father who passed nuclear designs legitimately to Iran, it’s the CIA messing up an attempt to mislead Iran.

    One question though. What is a Russian defector? I mean, is this someone who defected in the 80s? Then why is he still a defector? Just thought that was weird…

  5. QuickSilver says:

    A semantic point: note how the term â€rocket†evolved into the term â€missile†in Western news accounts, in an effort to make Iran’s satellite program seem more suspicious. Satellites are launched with â€rockets,†of course, not by â€missilesâ€â€¦ While I recognize the former may be converted to the latter, it seems as if our analysts/spinners have already condemned Iran by the opportunistic use of the word â€missile†at every turn. (For that matter, the word Shahab is misunderstood. Translating it as â€shooting star†makes it sound like a weapon, although I realize the problem there might be the English language itself, since we don’t have any other word for this meteorological phenomenon…)

    My point is this: when it comes to smaller (and funkier) nose cones, we are almost certainly talking about better satellite delivery capability, not a better weapon delivery system. For Heaven’s sake, why shouldn’t Iran have satellites?

  6. QuickSilver says:

    FYI, my father didn’t pass sensitive information. He implied that a certain amount of sensitive information had been passed to Iran in the process of developing Iran’s commercial nuclear development program in the 1970s, and that there were checks imposed on that information. That’s all. He died more than a decade ago, so I can’t ask any follow-up questions.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Sorry for misattributing it, QS. And apoligies to QS’ father, if he’s watching somewhere.

    And, well, why shouldn’t Iran have satellites? Very good question. But then, we don’t even want Europe to have its own GPS system.

  8. William Ockham says:

    They (the folks pushing this Iranian story) are only interested in one thing: Continuing the â€mushroom cloud†threat against the U.S. They realize that the â€mushroom cloud†was the linchpin that enabled the Iraq misadventure. They’ve learned that they’ll have to do better this time. The Iraq lies almost unraveled before they got the war off the ground. This time they’ll have to drum up fear about long-range missiles to convince a more wary public. I doubt (but I’ve been surprised before) they’ll actually try a ground war in Iran. They probably just plan on a nice long strategic bombing campaign. The real goal is just to expand the â€War on Terror†to perpetuate their power.

    The thing they seem to have completely overlooked is that they face a resourceful and wily foe. Iranian internal politics may be in the hands of religious fanatics, but the Iranian government’s foreign policy has been pretty effective lately. They played us into knocking off Saddam for them. Nobody’s likely to stand up to us in a conventional war, but if the Iranians and Chinese cooperate in an economic struggle (while Japan and Europe look the other way), our standard of living is in real trouble. Maybe pissing off just about everybody in the world wasn’t such a good idea.

  9. Mimikatz says:

    Speaking of the Iranians and the Chinese, let’s not ever forget the economic power the Chinese hold over us through their large cache of Treasury bonds and bills, thanks to the profligate ways of the GOP and its lack of understanding of economics.

  10. Anonymous says:

    QS — that’s especially fascinating to me for this reason:

    One of the stock arguments why Iran must be developing nuclear weapons is that they have huge oil reserves, so they can’t possibly need nuclear power for energy. So why did our government think the Shah needed nuclear power? Hmmm…

  11. QuickSilver says:

    I asked the same question in 1975, and was told that it was the Shah who believed Iran needed nuclear power because the oil reserves were a finite resource and were better used otherwise. (If that sounds simplistic, I apologize, but it’s quite literally what my father told me when I was nine.)

    In retrospect, I think U.S. strategic interests dictated that Iran should modernize without squandering its oil wealth on domestic energy production. Nuclear power was affordable, and from an environmental point of view, was yet to be demonized.

    The Shah’s commercial nuclear plans were quite ambitious. There were literally dozens of nuclear power plants slated to be built, and several nuclear construction sites well advanced by the time of the 1979 revolution.

  12. Meteor Blades says:

    As usual, emptywheel, excellent deconstruction.

    Frankly, whether or not the U.S. or Israel takes action against Iran’s nuclear facilities, I expect Iran to have nukes within one-to-five years. This I believe will be the case whether or not the U.S. or Israel chooses to carry out an attack on those facilities as we are being led to believe by comments allegedly made regarding the use of Turkish bases, et cetera.

    Personally, I don’t think there will be an attack, although nothing’s out of the question given the brainiacs who currently rule us. Without the use of some rather big nukes ourselves, there’s no guarantee that the deep underground facilities some experts thinks Iran has will be destroyed. But, of course, that doesn’t mean Washington or Tel Aviv won’t make the attempt. The December 2004 Atlantic Monthly ran a â€war game†on the subject and gave the idea of an attack by either low marks for doability. Maybe the secret war games the Pentagon has surely conducted offer a better prospect.

    I’m not keen on Iran having nuclear weapons, but I’m not keen on anybody having them. Musharraf, for instance, won’t rule forever, and if the Taliban wing of ISI takes over in Pakistan, they’ll make Tehran’s possession of the Bomb look pacific by comparison.

    One comment to add to your comment, ew. Why shouldn’t Iran have satellites? No reason, but keeping any new pretenders out of space altogether would align quite nicely with the U.S. plan – which dates back to 1985 – for militarizing space and maintaining U.S. dominance there, as can be seen in Vison for 2020.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Meteorblades and others –…..01453.html

    â€A major U.S. intelligence review has projected that Iran is about a decade away from manufacturing the key ingredient for a nuclear weapon , roughly doubling the previous estimate of five years, according to government sources with firsthand knowledge of the new analysis.

    The carefully hedged assessments, which represent consensus among U.S. intelligence agencies, contrast with forceful public statements by the White House.â€

    EW –

    I love you, really but US hegemony in the middle east is not about spreading democracy — and NEVER was. Its all about oil politics. Currently its about defending the US against China and indeed the rest of the world in the coming post peak-oil resource competition. Right or wrong, thats what its about. Do you REALLY think we care about democracy in Iraq with the way Chalabi is inserted into the Oil minsitry. Or that we ever cared about it anywhere in the middle east? (eg. see modern history of Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc.)

  14. Anonymous says:


    Nope, I don’t think our behavior in the ME is about spreading democracy (or our behavior in Latin America).

    I do think there was a time when the abstract principles associated with the US gave people in authoritarian countries some inspiration. I’d like to regain that.

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    Sony VAIO FS540P – Pentium M 730 1.6 GHz – 15.4†TFT…$500USD
    Sony Intel Pentium M 100GB Notebook Computer with DVD+/-R/RW Drive…$550USD
    ThinkPad G40 2389 – C 2.5 GHz – 14.1†TFT IBM…..$580USD
    Panasonic Toughbook 18 Touchscre……$500USD
    HP Compaq Business Notebook nc8230 – Pentium M 760 2 GHz – 15.4â€
    HP Compaq Mobile Workstation nw8240 – Pentium M 760 2 GHz – 15.4â€
    and many more…………..

    PLV-80 16:9 Widescreen WXGA Home Theater Multimedia Projector….$10,000usd
    magicolor 2430DL Color Laser Printer (20 PPM, 2400×600 DPI, Color,
    32MB, PC/Mac)…$150usd
    Minolta Dimage Scan Dual IV – film scanner (35 mm)…..$100usd
    EP7120 DLP Projector (1024×768, 1600:1)……$400usd
    Optoma H 31 – DLP projector……$400usd
    110’’ Velvet Wrapped Luxurious Sensation Series DT1100 HDTV Fixed
    Projection Screen…$350usd
    PowerLite Home 10+ Ultra-Portable Multimedia Projector…..$500usd
    ScreenPlay 4805 Projector by InFocus………$550usd
    Panasonic PT LB30NT – LCD projector……..$800usd
    PIXMA MP950 PHOTO MLTFUNC AIO 22/29PPM P/C/S…….$150usd
    Elite Screens VMAX120UWH 121in 16:9 Electric Projector…..$150usd
    Da-Lite Cinema Contour 144 x 192-in Pearlescent…….$500usd
    MP610 DLP Projector (800×600, 2000 Lumens, 2000:1)…..$300usd.

    For more informations and consultations do contact us now and get
    the best of our yearly bonus and products as we are here to serve
    you the best and give you the 100% customers us


    Mrs Kathleen Demars.

    email:[email protected]


  18. Silver joy says:

    Phones silver Limited.
    Silver joy (sales Manager)
    No 15, mobilephone village.
    Email:[email protected] or
    Tele:+234 18772367
    We sell all Brand new latest phones at a very good prices,the phones come’s with complete accessories (Manual and Charger)with 1 year international warranty.Here are some of our brand of phones we have in stock——–
    Nokia 8800….$170
    Nokia N70…..$150
    Nokia N71…..$155
    Nokia N72…..$160
    Nokia N80…..$165
    Nokia N91…..$170
    Nokia N90…..$165
    Nokia N92…..$190
    NOKIA VERTU..$300
    Nokia N93…..$200
    Nokia N95….$280
    Nokia 1100….$55
    Nokia 2100….$45
    Nokia 2300….$60
    Nokia 3100….$65
    Nokia 3108….$60
    Nokia 3200….$75
    Nokia 3230….$85
    Nokia 3300….$70
    Nokia 3310….$30
    Nokia 3315….$35
    Nokia 3330….$60
    Nokia 3350….$45
    Nokia 3410….$45
    Nokia 3510….$50
    Nokia 3510i…$80
    Nokia 3595….$45
    Nokia 3610….$60
    Nokia 3650….$130
    Nokia 3660….$120
    Nokia 5100….$80
    Nokia 5140….$110
    Nokia 5210….$70
    Nokia 5510….$105
    Nokia 5550….$70
    Nokia 5170iR..$60
    Nokia 6020….$110
    Nokia 6670….$105
    Nokia 6630….$130
    Nokia 6100….$95
    Nokia 6108….$100
    Nokia 6220….$105
    Nokia 6230….$110
    Nokia 6260….$120
    Nokia 6310….$90
    Nokia 6310i…$100
    Nokia 6500….$100
    Nokia 6510….$60
    Nokia 6600….$125
    Nokia 6610….$100
    Nokia 6630….$130
    Nokia 6170….$120
    Nokia 6650….$100
    Nokia 6800….$105
    Nokia 7200….$140
    Nokia 7230….$120
    Nokia 7250….$120
    Nokia 7250i…$130
    Nokia 7260….$135
    Nokia 7280….$155
    Nokia 7600….$155
    Nokia 7610….$150
    Nokia 7650….$140
    Nokia 8250….$100
    Nokia 8310….$120
    Nokia 8910 Titanium…$150
    Nokia 8910 Black…$165
    Nokia 8910i…$130
    Nokia 8890….$125
    Nokia 8850 Special Edition….$115
    Nokia 8850 Gold Edition….$120
    Nokia 8855…..$115
    Nokia 9210 Communicator….$140
    MOTOROLA RAZOR V3 $130usd,
    NEXTEL i930 $130usd,
    NEXTEL i860 $100usd,
    Apple iPod nano 4GB:$131.00
    Sony fwd-50px1 plasma TV – $5,200
    SONY VAIO DESKTOP– V1-$250.00
    Qtek 7070 =$250
    GARMIN 396……..$130
    02 xda Atom—US$295
    eten ——–g500—$210.00
    Siemens Xelibri 8– US$95
    MOTOROLA MPX 200 ……$120USD
    NEXTEL I860 AT JUST ……$100
    NEXTEL I930 AT JUST ………..$130
    Sony Ericsson K500i, $100
    Sony Ericsson S700i $140
    Sony Ericsson: Z1010 $150
    nokia 6630 at just $130
    samsung E700 AT JUST $130
    SAMSUNG E715 AT JUST $130
    SAMSUNG E 800 AT JUST $140
    sony ericsson W800i is $180
    sony ericsson p900 $140.00
    Do kindly reply back if you are interested and as you do you will be glad you do, you can reach us through our email address. [email protected] or [email protected] or call us at +234 18772367
    Thank’s and God bless.

  19. Silver joy says:

    We sell all Brand new latest phones at a very good prices and laptop, all kind of Apple 4 GB iPod , digital cameras t.v at cheap price
    Thank’s and God bless.
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    silver joy
    +234 18772367
    SONY VAIO DESKTOP– RS504——————$350
    HP PAVILION LAPTOP– ZX5030——$350
    SAMSUNG LAPTOP– P28 LTC 330—$250
    Acer cs-5530 digital camera=$180
    Canon ixus 700 digital camera= $220
    Canon ixus 750 digital camera =$190
    Canon ixus i zoom digital camera (jet black)=$230
    Canon ixus i zoom digital camera (Sahara)=$210
    Canon power shot s80 digital camera = $240
    Casio exilim ex-s500 digital camera (orange, )= $230
    Digital blue qx5 digital microscope= $180
    Fuji film finepix f10 digital camera =$160
    Nikon d2x digital camera (body only)=$170
    Olympus fe-100 digital camera =$190
    Play station 1……… $90
    Play station 2 ….$110
    GARMIN 396……..$130
    Game boy latest edition..$100
    w/xbox 360 hard drive,
    xbox 360 wireless controller,
    xbox 360 faceplate,
    xbox 360 headset,
    xbox 360 component hd-av cable,
    xbox live silver membership
    Sony fwd-50px1 plasma TV – $5,200
    Sony kde-50xs955 plasma TV -$3,600
    NOKIA VERTU..$300
    Nokia N93…..$200
    Nokia N95….$280
    Nokia 1100….$55
    Nokia 2100….$45
    Nokia 2300….$60
    Nextel i736– $105
    Sidekick3 –$130.
    Forsale Nokia n95,$280.00 O2 XDA Atom— $220 ETEN M600— $250 Tomtom Navigator PDA For $300 nokia n91, $170.00 nokia, n92, $180.00 sony ericson p900 $150.00 all kind mobilphone at cheap price call us on +234 18772367 e-mail us [email protected] [email protected]

  20. Danny says:

    We sell different kinds of brand new products such as
    Mobile phones,Laptops,Sidekicks,Speakers,Plasma
    Tv,Ipods,Games,Mp3 e.t.c. at a moderate price.
    We also give 1free phone and our company T.shirt to
    all first time buyers.
    Here are some of the products we have in stock

    Mobile Phones…
    NOKIA N91 $190.50
    NOKIA N90 $220.50
    Nokia N93:$250
    NOKIA N70 $170.50
    Nokia N72:$220
    Nokia n80:$180usd
    NOKIA Vertu $1,700.00
    NOKIA 6230i $100.00
    NOKIA 8800 $200.00
    NOKIA 6021 $75.00
    NOKIA 6030 $75.00
    NOKIA 6680 $100.00
    NOKIA 6681 $70.00
    NOKIA 6822 $75.99
    NOKIA 7710 $100.00
    NOKIA 6170 $100.00
    Nokia E61:$170usd
    NOKIA 6260 $120.99
    NOKIA 3510i $60.00
    NOKIA 6630 $120.00
    NOKIA 9300 $120.99
    NOKIA 7260 $100.00
    NOKIA 7270 $120.00
    Nokia 8310 $100.00
    NOKIA 7280 $120
    NOKIA 8800/Gold Sirocco $220.00
    NOKIA 6021 $75.00
    NOKIA 6030 $75.00
    NOKIA 6680 $100.00
    Nokia 7370 .$120usd
    NOKIA 6681 $220.00
    NOKIA 6822 $75.99
    NOKIA 7710 $100.00
    NOKIA 6170 $90.00
    NOKIA 6260 $100.99
    NOKIA 3510i $50.00
    NOKIA 6630 $100.00
    NOKIA 9300 $120.99
    NOKIA 7260 $100.00
    NOKIA 7270 $110.00
    Nokia 8310 $100.00
    NOKIA 7280 $60.00
    NOKIA 6670 $130.00
    NOKIA 6020 $80.00
    NOKIA N-GAGE QD $100.00
    NOKIA N-GAGE $100.00
    NOKIA 7610 $90.00
    NOKIA 9500 $70.00
    NOKIA 5140 $60.00
    NOKIA 6610i $100.00
    NOKIA 7200 $90.99
    NOKIA 6230 $110.00
    NOKIA 6820 $80.00
    NOKIA 7600 $100.00
    NOKIA 6600 $100.00
    NOKIA 6800 $75.00
    NOKIA 6220 $85.00
    NOKIA 6620 $150.00
    Nokia 7360:$100usd

    Samsung Z500:$120
    Samsung Z300:$110
    Samsung E350:$145
    Samsung E720:$125
    Samsung B100:$135
    Samsung X640:$110
    Samsung t809 at $160
    Samsung X480:$155
    Samsung X460:$155
    Samsung D500:$175
    Samsung P730:$155
    Samsung p710:$120
    Samsung e630:$175
    Samsung e850:$185
    Samsung x120:$95
    Samsung e500:$100
    Samsung e310:$95
    Samsung e300:$115
    Samsung z105:$65
    Samsung e610:$75
    Samsung e600:$75
    Samsung p510:$120
    Samsung e410:$155
    Samsung x450:$75
    Samsung e800:$175
    Samsung e810:$185
    Samsung x430:$55
    Samsung p705:$95
    Samsung d410:$95
    Samsung x600:$120
    Samsung x100:$65
    Samsung e715:$155
    Samsung e700:$110
    Samsung c100:$65
    Samsung d700:$175
    Samsung p500:$175
    Samsung t809:$160
    Samsung SCH A530
    Verizon Wireless
    Samsung p207
    Samsung SCH-a610
    Samsung SGH-D500
    Samsung SPH-V.
    Samsung e316.
    Samsung mm a950:$220
    Samsung z710:$150

    Sony Ericsson W900:$160
    Sony Ericsson W800i:$140usd
    Sony ericsson:W850i:$170
    Sony Ericsson P990i:$180usd
    Sony Ericsson w600i:$138usd
    Sony Ericsson m600:$110usd
    Sony Ericsson K700i:$140usd
    Sony Ericsson K750i:$130usd
    Sony Ericssin F500i:$120usd
    Mitac Mio 8930:$280usd

    NEXTEL i830 — $120
    NEXTEL i860 — $130
    NEXTEL i930 — $110
    NEXTEL i860 — $100
    NEXTEL 1930 — $120
    NEXTEL i870 — $140
    NEXTEL i450 — $90
    NEXTEL 1860 — $110

    Xbox 360 Core System — $163
    Xbox 360 Prenium pack –$190
    Xbox 360 Platinum Bundle Console — $155
    Intec G8600 Xbox 360 9.2 TFT Screen–$85

    Qtek 8500–$130
    Qtek S200–$180
    Qtek 9000–$250
    Qtek 8310–$200
    Qtek 8300–$185
    Qtek 9100–$270
    Qtek 8100–$150
    Qtek S110–$175
    Qtek S100–$190
    Qtek 9090–$200
    Qtek 8020–$190
    Qtek 8010–$140
    Qtek 2020i-$220
    Qtek 2020–$200
    Qtek 1010–$140
    Qtek S200–$200

    Treo 700w:$200
    Treo 700p:$210
    Treo 600:$150usd

    Motorola Razv3:$190
    Motorola v3i:$140usd
    Motorola v3x:$135
    Motorola MPX300:$130usd
    Motorola Mpx200:$120usd
    Motorola L6:$60usd
    Motorola L7:$90usd
    Motorola PVP1000 Ojo:$250usd
    Motorola E815:$120usd

    T-MobileSidekick :$130usd
    T-MobileSidekick2 :$120usd
    T-MobileSidekickColour :$130usd
    Sidekick 2silver sparkle skin &screen
    Sidekick2 cell:$125usd
    Discount Danger Sidekick2:$110usd
    Juicy Couture Sidekick 2:$130usd

    For Order placement pls send us an email or give us a call
    Email:[email protected]/[email protected]

  21. dynshops says:

    We sell all kind of mobile phones and accessories at affordable price, it has one year international warranty, unlock, comes with company original seal pack, this phone are all brand new direct from the manufacturers inEnglish & Spanish manual, Finland made., we do our shipping worldwide via Fedex and Dhl International Service to your doorstep location within 48 hours depending on your destination, and the Tracking number shall be sent to you upon acknowledgement any one interested should contact us via

    [email protected]

    Below here is our price list of phones we have in store.

    Nokia N95…………..$300usd
    Nokia N93…………..$260usd
    Nokia N92…………..$180usd
    Nokia N70…………..$130usd
    Nokia N71…………..$140usd
    Nokia N90…………..$150usd
    Nokia N91…………..$160usd
    Nokia N80…………..$150usd
    Nokia 6682………….$140usd
    NOKIA 6800………….$130usd
    Nokia 6830………….$140usd
    Nokia 7700………….$130usd
    Nokia 1110………….$100usd

    Nokia 1600………….$110usd
    Nokia 2125………….$120usd
    Nokia 2255………….$100usd
    Nokia 3128………….$100usd
    Nokia 3230………….$120usd
    Nokia 3530………….$170usd
    Nokia 3560………….$200usd
    Nokia 3650………….$140usd
    Nokia 5100………….$120usd
    Nokia 5140i…………$120usd
    Nokia 5210………….$130usd
    Nokia 5510………….$110usd
    Nokia 6100………….$100usd

    Samsung A500………..$140usd
    Samsung D307………..$180usd
    Samsung D410………..$110usd
    Samsung D415………..$130usd
    Samsung D500………..$140usd
    Samsung D600………..$160usd
    Samsung D720………..$170usd
    Samsung E310………..$130usd
    Samsung E330………..$130usd
    Samsung E600………..$120usd
    Samsung E630………..$120usd
    Samsung E700………..$120usd
    Samsung i830………..$180usd

    Mitac MIO 8930………$280usd
    Motorola A600……….$146usd
    Motorola A630……….$148usd
    Motorola A760……….$150usd
    Motorola A780……….$154usd
    Motorola A840……….$162usd
    Motorola E1…………$134usd
    Motorola MPX………..$125usd
    Motorola MPX100……..$120usd
    Motorola Mpx220……..$145usd
    Motorola MPX300.,……$165usd
    Motorola V300……….$130usd
    Motorola V3Razr……..$100usd
    Motorola V400……….$130usd
    Motorola V600……….$140usd
    Motorola V661……….$150usd

    Sony Ericsson 1900…..$140usd
    Sony Ericsson J210i….$120usd
    Sony Ericsson J300i….$130usd
    Sony Ericsson J600…..$110usd
    Sony Ericsson J700…..$130usd
    Sony Ericsson K300i….$135usd
    Sony Ericsson K508i….$140usd
    Sony Ericsson K600i….$140usd
    sony ericsson k700i….$135usd
    Sony Ericsson K608i….$130usd
    Sony Ericsson P800…..$170usd

    Sony Ericsson P900…..$250usd
    Sony Ericsson P980i….$210usd
    Sony Ericsson S600i….$135usd
    Sony Ericsson S700…..$110usd
    Sony Ericsson T29s…..$100usd
    Sony Ericsson T300…..$100usd
    Sony Ericsson T610…..$120usd
    Sony Ericsson T616…..$160usd
    Sony Ericsson T850…..$130usd
    Sony Ericsson T65……$100usd
    Sony Ericsson T600…..$130usd
    Sony! Ericsson V600i…$140usd
    Sony Ericsson V800i….$225usd
    Sony Ericsson W800i….$180usd
    sony Ericsson w600i….$140usd
    Sony Ericsson MZ5……$140usd
    Sony Ericsson W850i….$200usd
    Sony Ericsson W900i….$230usd
    Sony Ericsson W950i….$280usd

    Sagem S-7…………..$135usd
    Sagem x7……………$120usd
    Sagem x8……………$140usd
    Sagem myc5………..$130usd

    Nextel i450…………$110usd
    Nextel i930…………$150usd
    Nextel i95cl………..$130usd
    Nextel i830…………$130usd
    Nextel i860…………$120usd
    Nextel i870…………$160usd
    Nextel i860…………$140usd
    Sidekick 1………….$120usd
    Sidekick 2………….$140usd
    Sidekick 3………….$180usd
    treo 600……………$200usd
    Treo 650……………$170usd

    apple 30 GB iPod Photo M9829LL/A ……..$50.00usd
    apple 512 MB iPod Shuffle MP3 Player M9724LL/A …$55usd
    apple iPod 1GB Shuffle ………………$80usd
    apple 4 GB iPod Mini Blue M9436LL/A …..$40usd
    apple 20 GB iPod U2 Special Edition …..$50usd
    apple 6 GB iPod Mini Green M9807LL/A…..$40usd
    apple Ipod Nano 2GB …………………$75usd
    apple Ipod Nano 4GB …………………$90usd
    Ipod video 30GB……………………..$110usd
    Ipod video 60GB……………………..$140usd
    Ipod video 80GB……………………..$200usd

    Serious buyers should please contact if intrested

    [email protected]

    Jisy Bright..

  22. Andre says:

    We have for sale all Brands & Models Of Nextel & GSM Cell Phones, Computers & Laptops, Ipod Nanos,Digital Cameras & camcorders & General Electronics at very Subsidized & Unbeatable Prices. All Phones are Brand New T2 Euro specs,Factory unlocked,sim-free,no operator logo, sealed in their original factory box, We sell in Wholesales and any quantity of your choice. We offer free shipping on all bulky orders and orders from 8 units.Note All phones comes with the complete accessories & manuals with 1 full year international warranty. DO CONTACT US THROUGH OUR COMPANY EMAIL… [email protected]

    Nokia N95……..$300usd
    Nokia N93……..$250usd
    Nokia N75……..$270usd
    Nokia 7610…….$100usd
    Nokia 8800…….$140usd
    Nokia N70……..$150usd
    Nokia N90……..$180usd
    Nokia N91……..$200usd
    Nokia N92……..$220usd
    Nokia N71……..$155usd
    Nokia N80……..$210usd
    Nokia 9300…….$145usd
    Nokia 9500…….$170usd
    Nokia E60 …….$160usd
    Nokia E61 …….$180usd

    BenQ-Siemens EF81 $130
    BenQ-Siemens EF91 $130
    BenQ-Siemens EL71 $140
    BenQ-Siemens M81 $140
    BenQ-Siemens P51 $150

    Sidekick 1………..$100usd
    Sidekick 2………..$120usd
    Sidekick 3………..$150usd

    Mitac MIO 8930………$280usd
    Motorola A600……….$146usd
    Motorola A630……….$148usd
    Motorola A760……….$150usd
    Motorola A780……….$154usd
    Motorola A840……….$162usd
    Motorola E1…………$134usd
    Motorola MPX………..$125usd
    Motorola MPX100……..$120usd
    Motorola Mpx220……..$145usd
    Motorola MPX300.,……$165usd
    Motorola V300……….$130usd
    Motorola V3Razr……..$100usd
    Motorola V400……….$130usd
    Motorola V600……….$140usd
    Motorola V661……….$150usd

    Nextel i930……..$130usd
    Nextel 1960 ……$130usd
    Nextel i870……..$120usd
    Nextel i860……..$110usd

    Sony Ericsson P800..$150usd
    Sony Ericsson W900i.$190usd
    Sony Ericsson W850i.$170usd
    Sony Ericsson W950i.$250usd
    Sony Ericsson P900..$200usd
    Sony Ericsson P980i.$180usd
    Sony Ericsson P990..$230usd
    Sony Ericsson S600i.$135usd
    Sony Ericsson V800i.$155usd
    Sony Ericsson W800i.$160usd

    Treo 600……………$150usd
    Treo 650……………$160usd
    Treo 700w………….$200usd

    Play Station 1…….$100usd
    Play Station 2…….$140usd
    Xbox 360…………..$160usd

    apple 30 GB iPod Photo M9829LL/A ……..$50.00usd
    apple 512 MB iPod Shuffle MP3 Player M9724LL/A …$55usd
    apple iPod 1GB Shuffle ………………$80usd
    apple 4 GB iPod Mini Blue M9436LL/A …..$40usd
    apple 20 GB iPod U2 Special Edition …..$50usd
    apple 6 GB iPod Mini Green M9807LL/A…..$40usd
    apple Ipod Nano 2GB …………………$75usd
    apple Ipod Nano 4GB …………………$90usd
    Ipod video 30GB……………………..$110usd
    Ipod video 60GB……………………..$140usd
    Ipod video 80GB……………………..$200usd

    Panasonic TH-42PWD8UK 42 in Flat Panel Plasma TV…………..$300usd
    Pioneer PureVision PDP-5060HD 50 in Flat Panel Plasma TV…..$450usd
    Panasonic TH-42PHD8UK 42 in Flat Panel Plasma TV……………$350usd
    Panasonic Onyx TH50PX500U 50 in Flat Panel Plasma TV………$450usd

    Sony BRAVIA XBR KDL-V32XBR1 32 in Flat Panel LCD TV…..$300usd
    Sony Wega KDF-E50A10 50 in LCD Rear-Projection TV……….$400usd
    Sony Wega KDL-V40XBR1 40 in Flat Panel LCD TV…………….$350usd
    Sony Wega KD-36FS130 36 in Flat Screen TV……………………$350usd

    Sony WEGA SXRD KDS-R50XBR1 50 in Rear-Projection LCoS TV…$400usd
    Sony Grand WEGA KDF-E55A20 55 in LCD Rear-Projection TV…….$450usd
    Sony Grand WEGA KDF-E60A20 60 in Rear-Projection LCD TV…….$550usd
    Sony Grand WEGA KDF-E55A20 55 in LCD Rear-Projection TV…….$500usd

    Sharp Aquos LC-37D7U 37 in Flat Panel LCD TV……$350usd
    Sharp Aquos LC-26DA5U 26 in’ LCD TV………………$250usd
    Sharp Aquos LC-45GD7U 45 in Flat Panel LCD TV….$400usd
    Sharp Aquos LC-20S4U 20 in Flat Panel LCD TV…….$200usd

    Sharp Aquos LC45GD4U 45 in Flat Panel LCD TV…….$300usd
    Sharp Aquos LC-45GX6U 45 in Flat Panel LCD TV……$450usd
    Samsung HP-R4252 42 in Flat Panel Plasma TV………$400usd
    Samsung HL-R5067W 50 in Rear-Projection DLP TV….$400usd
    Samsung LN-R268W 26 in Flat Panel LCD TV…………..$250usd

    Samsung HL-R4667W 46 in Rear-Projection DLP TV…..$350usd
    Samsung LN-R268W 26 in Flat Panel LCD TV…………..$300usd
    Samsung SlimFit TX-R3079WH 30 in Flat CRT TV………$300usd
    Samsung HL-R5688W 56 in Rear-Projection DLP TV…..$500usd
    Samsung HLR5078W 50 in Rear-Projection DLP TV……$450usd

    For more details contact,DO CONTACT US THROUGH OUR COMPANY EMAIL…..
    [email protected]

  23. nesshops says:

    We sell all kind of mobile phones and accessories at affordable price, it has one
    year international warranty, unlock, comes with company original seal pack, this
    phone are all brand new direct from the manufacturers inEnglish & Spanish manual,
    Finland made., we do our shipping worldwide via UPs International Service to your
    doorstep location within 48 hours depending on your destination, and the Tracking
    number shall be sent to you upon acknowledgement any one interested should contact
    us via address Below…

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Below here is our price list of phones we have in store.
    Nokia N95…………..$300usd
    Nokia N93…………..$230usd
    Nokia N92…………..$200usd
    Nokia N70…………..$160usd
    Nokia N71…………..$170usd
    Nokia N90…………..$160usd
    Nokia N91…………..$180usd
    Nokia N80…………..$175usd
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    NOKIA 6800………….$130usd
    Nokia 6830………….$140usd
    Nokia 7700………….$130usd
    Nokia 1110………….$120usd

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    Nokia 3530………….$170usd
    Nokia 3560………….$200usd
    Nokia 3650………….$140usd
    Nokia 5100………….$120usd
    Nokia 5140i…………$120usd
    Nokia 5210………….$130usd
    Nokia 5510………….$110usd
    Nokia 6100………….$100usd

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    Samsung D410………..$110usd
    Samsung D415………..$130usd
    Samsung D500………..$140usd
    Samsung D600………..$160usd
    Samsung D720………..$170usd
    Samsung E310………..$130usd
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    Samsung E600………..$120usd
    Samsung E630………..$120usd
    Samsung E700………..$120usd
    Samsung i830………..$180usd

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    Motorola A780……….$154usd
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    Motorola E1…………$134usd

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    Motorola V300……….$130usd
    Motorola V3Razr……..$100usd
    Motorola V400……….$130usd
    Motorola V600……….$140usd
    Motorola V661……….$150usd

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    Sony Ericsson J210i….$120usd
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    Sony Ericsson J600…..$110usd
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    Sony Ericsson K508i….$140usd
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    Sony Ericsson W850i….$170usd

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    Sony Ericsson S600i….$135usd
    Sony Ericsson S700…..$110usd
    Sony Ericsson T29s…..$100usd
    Sony Ericsson T300…..$100usd
    Sony Ericsson T610…..$120usd
    Sony Ericsson T616…..$160usd
    Sony Ericsson T850…..$130usd
    Sony Ericsson T65……$100usd
    Sony Ericsson T600…..$130usd
    Sony! Ericsson V600i…$140usd
    Sony Ericsson V800i….$155usd
    Sony Ericsson W800i….$160usd
    sony Ericsson w600i….$140usd
    Sony Ericsson MZ5……$140usd

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    Nextel i930…………$150usd
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    Nextel i830…………$110usd
    Nextel i860…………$120usd
    Nextel i870…………$140usd
    Nextel i860…………$130usd

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    Sidekick 2………….$120usd
    Sidekick 3………….$130usd

    treo 600……………$200usd
    Treo 650……………$230usd

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    apple Ipod Nano 2GB …………………$100usd
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    Ipod video 30GB……………………..$130usd
    Ipod video 60GB……………………..$180usd
    Ipod video 80GB……………………..$250usd

    Sharp Aquos LC-37D7U 37 in Flat Panel LCD TV……$350usd
    Sharp Aquos LC-26DA5U 26 in’ LCD TV………………$250usd
    Sharp Aquos LC-45GD7U 45 in Flat Panel LCD TV….$400usd
    Sharp Aquos LC-20S4U 20 in Flat Panel LCD TV…….$200usd

    Samsung HL-R4667W 46 in Rear-Projection DLP TV…..$350usd
    Samsung LN-R268W 26 in Flat Panel LCD TV…………..$300usd
    Samsung SlimFit TX-R3079WH 30 in Flat CRT TV………$300usd
    Samsung HL-R5688W 56 in Rear-Projection DLP TV…..$500usd
    Samsung HLR5078W 50 in Rear-Projection DLP TV……$450usd

    Sony WEGA SXRD KDS-R50XBR1 50 in Rear-Projection LCoS TV…$400usd
    Sony Grand WEGA KDF-E55A20 55 in LCD Rear-Projection TV…….$450usd
    Sony Grand WEGA KDF-E60A20 60 in Rear-Projection LCD TV…….$550usd
    Sony Grand WEGA KDF-E55A20 55 in LCD Rear-Projection TV…….$500usd
    Serious buyers should please contact if intrested

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Nes Billy..

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    Sony Ericsson V800i….$155usd
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    Samsung HL-R5688W 56 in Rear-Projection DLP TV…..$500usd
    Samsung HLR5078W 50 in Rear-Projection DLP TV……$450usd

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    SONY Intel Pentium M 100GB Notebook Computer with DVD+/-R/RW Drive…$550USD

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    [email protected]

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    Qtek 8310 =$200
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    Qtek 9100 =$240
    Qtek 8100 =$250
    Qtek s110 =$210
    Qtek s100 =$200
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    Qtek 8020 =$200
    Qtek 8010 =$180
    Qtek 2020i=$240
    Qtek 2020 =$250
    Qtek 8080 =$130
    Qtek 8060 =$160
    Qtek 1010 =$150
    Qtek 7070 =$250


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    NOKIA 6230i for……..$140usd
    NOKIA 6260 For……..$130usd
    NOKIA 9300 For……..$130usd
    NOKIA 9500 For……..$140usd
    NOKIA 6230 for……..$130usd
    NOKIA 8800 For……..$180usd
    NOKIA 8800 Sirocco For……..$240usd
    NOKIA 6680 For……..$110usd
    NOKIA 6682 For……..$120usd
    NOKIA 7650 For……..$130usd
    NOKIA E61 for………$155usd
    NOKIA E60 for………$150usd
    NOKIA E70 for………$160usd
    NOKIA N70 For………$160usd
    NOKIA N76 For……..$250usd
    NOKIA N77 For……..$300usd
    NOKIA N80 For………$170usd
    NOKIA N90 For………$180usd
    NOKIA N91 For………$190usd
    NOKIA N92 For………$200usd
    NOKIA N93 FOR………$220usd
    NOKIA N93i For……..$230usd
    NOKIA N95 FOR………$350usd


    MOTOROLA RAZOR V3 for……..$130usd
    MOTOROLA RAZOR V6 FOR……..$140usd
    MOTOROLA SLVR L7 For……..$140usd
    MOTOROLA SLVR V8 For……..$140usd
    MOTOROLA A1000 For………..$150usd
    MOTOROLA MPX 220 For…….. $120usd
    MOTOROLA MPX 300 For…….. $140usd


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    SONY ERICSSON k750i For……$140usd
    SONY ERICSSON W800i For……$150usd
    SONY ERICSSON W900i For……$160usd
    SONY ERICSSON S700i For…….$140usd
    SONY ERICSSON P900 For……$140usd
    SONY ERICSSON P910i For…….$150usd
    SONY ERICSSON Z1010 For…..$160usd


    NEXTEL i870 AT JUST…..$120usd
    NEXTEL i860 AT JUST…..$100usd
    NEXTEL i930 AT JUST…..$140usd


    TREO 650 AT JUST …….$140usd
    TREO 700W AT JUST ……$160usd


    SIDEKICK II AT JUST…..$100usd

    Toshiba Pocket PC E800 ========== $170 USD
    palm Treo 650=====================$180 USD
    HP IPaq Pocket PC H4150 ========= $150 USD
    HP IPaq Pocket PC H4350 ========= $145 USD
    Asus MyPal A716 ================= $135 USD
    Sony Clie PEG-TH55 ============== $125 USD
    PalmOne Tungsten C ============== $110 USD
    PalmOne Zire 72================== $105 USD
    Toshiba Pocket PC E405 ========== $100 USD
    PalmOne Tungsten E ============== $80 USD
    PalmOne Zire 31 ================= $60 USD
    Palm one Tungsten C(Wi-Fi)————————–$255
    Palm Treo 700w————————————–$420
    Palm one Tungsten E2——————————–$125
    Palm one Tungsten T5——————————–$235
    Palm one LiveDrive———————————-$220
    Hp ipaq pocket pc h4150—————————–$150
    Asus my pal a716————————————$185
    Hp ipaq pocket pc h4350—————————–$195
    Toshiba pocket pc e405——————————$130
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    Toshiba pocket pc e800——————————$215
    Palm one zire 72————————————$135
    Palm one tungsten e———————————$85
    Palm one tungsten c———————————$145
    Palm one zire 31————————————$60
    Palm treo 650—————————————$150
    I-mate k-jam—————————————-$295
    I-mate jam——————————————$190
    HP iPAQ hw6515————————————–$205
    Audiovox PPC-6601———————————–$220
    Hitachi G1000—————————————$225

    HTC price list
    HTC P5500 (HTC Nike)—–550usd
    HTC P6500 (HTC Sirius)—540usd
    HTC S730 (HTC Wings)—–530usd
    HTC P4550 (HTC Kaiser)—520usd
    HTC P3450 (HTC Elf)——510usd
    HTC Advantage X7501——500usd
    HTC S420 (HTC Erato)—–480usd
    HTC P6300 (HTC Panda)—-460usd
    HTC S630 (HTC Cavalier 100)–450usd
    HTC P3400 (HTC Gene)—–440usd
    HTC P3350 (HTC Love)—–430usd
    HTC Advantage X7500 (HTC Athena) — 500usd
    HTC S320 (HTC Monet) ——————- 350usd
    HTC P4350 (HTC Herald 100) ————- 400usd
    HTC P3300 (HTC Artemis 160) ———– 320usd
    HTC S620 (HTC Excalibur 100) ———– 520usd
    HTC P3600 (HTC Trinity 100) ————– 420usd
    HTC S310 (HTC Oxygen) ——————– 300usd
    HTC MTeoR (HTC Breeze 160) ———— 380usd
    HTC TyTN P4500 (HTC Hermes 200) — 420usd


    Apple iPod nano 2GB Black MP3 Player……$40usd
    Apple iPod Video 30GB Black MP3 Player…$60usd
    Apple iPod Video 60GB Black MP3 Player…$120usd
    Apple iPod Mini 4GB 18hour battery – Pink MP3 Player..$80usd
    Apple iPod nano 4GB Black MP3 Player………$100USD

    W/xbox 360 hard drive
    Xbox 360 wireless controller
    Xbox 360 faceplate
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    Xbox 360 component hd-av cable,
    Xbox live silver membership
    (#xbox360pla) $260 per-unit buy 3 and take one free

    Nintendo Game boy advanced === 30usd
    xbox 360 (platinum) ========== 200
    xbox 360 (premium) ========== 230usd
    xbox 360 (core) ==============180usd
    sony psp =================== 100usd
    ps2 ======================= 120usd
    ps3 ======================= 400usd
    Nintendo wii ================ 200usd
    Nintendo DS Lite =============110USD
    Nintendo game cube ========== 40usd


    Panasonic TH-37PHD8UK Plasma $350
    Panasonic TH-42PWD8UK Plasma $600
    Panasonic TH-42PHD8UK Plasma $500
    Panasonic TH-42PD50U EDTV $ 450
    Panasonic TH-42PX50U Plasma $650
    Panasonic TH-50PX50U Plasma $700
    panasonic TH-65PHD8UK Plasma $900


    SONY FWD-42PV1 Plasma Display $500
    Sony PFM-42X1 Plasma Display $550
    Sony FWD-50PX2 Plasma Display $700


    Philips 42PF7320A/37 Plasma TV $600
    Philips 42PF9630A/37 Plasma HDTV $700
    Philips 50PF7320A/37 Plasma HDTV $720
    Philips 50PF9630A/37 Plasma HDTV $550
    Philips 50PF9830A/37 Plasma HDTV $800


    SAMSUNG HPP3761 Plasma TV $610
    Samsung PPM42M5S Plasma Display $505
    Samsung SPP4251 Plasma TV $700
    Samsung PPM42M5H Plasma Display $550
    Samsung HPR4252 Plasma $680
    Samsung HPR4262 Plasma TV $450
    Samsung HPR4272 Plasma $560
    Samsung PPM50M5H Plasma Display $870
    Samsung HPR5052 Plasma $670
    Samsung HPR5072 Plasma $780
    Samsung HPP5581 Plasma TV $780
    Samsung PPM63H3Q Plasma Display $700
    Samsung HPR6372 Plasma $820


    Hitachi CMP4211u Plasma $850
    Hitachi CMP4212u Plasma $350
    Hitachi 42HDF52 Plasma HDTV $400
    Hitachi 42HDT52 Plasma TV $440
    Hitachi 55HDS52 Plasma HDTV $480
    Hitachi 55HDT52 Plasma TV $650
    Hitachi CMP-55HDM71 Plasma $420


    AOC Envision A42W64 Plasma $400


    Maxent MX-42VM7 Plasma EDTV $370
    Maxent MX-50X2 Plasma $300


    NEC 42VP5 Plasma TV $400
    NEC 42VM5HA Plasma TV $470
    NEC 42VR5HA Plasma – Silver $300
    NEC PX-42XM3A Plasma Display $500
    NEC PX-42XM4A Plasma Display $450
    NEC PX-42XR4A Plasma Display $550
    NEC PX-50XM5A Plasma Display $570
    NEC PX-50XR5A Plasma Display $500
    NEC PX-61XM3A Plasma Display $600
    NEC PX-61XM4A Plasma Display $750
    NEC PX-61XR4A Plasma Display $700
    NEC PX-84VP5A Plasma Display $690
    NEC PX-84VM5A Plasma Display $650


    Pioneer pdp-424mv plasma TV -$1,800
    Pioneer pdp-42a3hd plasma TV -$1,720
    Pioneer pdp-434cmx plasma tv-$1,880
    Pioneer pdp-43a5hd plasma tv-$1,800
    Pioneer pdp-4360hd plasma TV -$1,700
    Pioneer pdp-504cmx plasma tv-$1,800
    Pioneer pdp-505cmx plasma TV -$1,670
    Pioneer pdp-5060hd plasma tv-$1,890

    Toshiba Qosmio E10 ———————$550
    Toshiba Satellite PRO L20————–$190
    Toshiba M100——————————–$500
    Toshiba M300 ——————————-$550
    Toshiba Portege A200——————–$190
    Toshiba Satellite L10———————-$200
    Toshiba Satellite PRO L10—————$270
    Toshiba Qosmio F20———————–$345
    Toshiba M200———————————-$310
    Toshiba R100————————————–$350
    Sony VAIO VGN-T1 —————————-$450
    Sony VAIO VGN-FS315———————–$250
    Sony VAIO VGN-S3 —————————-$270
    Sony VAIO VGN-TX1 —————————$650
    Sony VAIO VGN-FS215————————$190
    Sony VAIO VGN-S5 —————————-$650
    Sony VAIO VGN-FS295————————$500
    Sony VAIO VGN-A517————————-$445
    Sony VAIO VGN-S4—————————$325
    Sony VAIO PCG-K35————————–$355
    Dell Laptops Dell Latitude D600————$180
    Dell Latitude D500 t———————–$130
    Dell inspiron 6000 ————————$270
    Dell Latitude X300————————-$150
    Dell Latitude D505————————-$230
    Dell Latitude D610————————-$325
    Dell Inspiron 1300 ————————$140
    Dell Latitude D510 ————————$190
    Dell Inspiron 9300 ————————$385
    Dell Inspiron 1200————————-$145
    Dell Latitude D410————————-$230

    Panasonic PT-D7700U DLP Projector SXGA 7000 ANSI Lumens —— $325
    NEC GT6000L 5100 ANSI Lumens SXGA Polysilicon LCD Projector —$485
    Sony VPL-FX51 XGA 5200 ANSI Lumens Video Projector ————$300
    Canon EOS-5D (Body Only), 12.8 Megapixel, SLR, Digital Camera—$540
    Nikon D1X, (Refurbished) 5.47 Megapixel SLR Digital Camera —-$300
    Nikon D2Hs, 4.1 Megapixel, High Speed, SLR Digital Camera ——$400
    Sim2 HT300 E-LINK DarkChip3 Projector ————————-$490
    Optoma H79, HD DarkChip3 DLP Digital Cinema Projector ——– $305
    InFocus LP860, 3500 Lumens Multimedia Projector —————$305
    Mitsubishi XD2000U, 3500 ANSI Lumen Projector —————–$305
    Canon EOS-20DA, 8.2 Megapixel SLR Digital Camera—————$400
    Canon EOS-20D, 8.2 Megapixel SLR Digital Camera w/ 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM Autofocus Lens Kit, —-$550
    Pentax ist D Digital SLR Camera Body 6.1Megapixel with 16-45mm f4 ED Zoom Lens—-$405
    BenQ PE8720 DLP WXGA Home Theater Projector — —————$250
    ASK Proxima C460, 3500 Lumens LCD Video Projector ———— $250
    Sanyo PLV-WF10 4000 ANSI Lumens LCD Video Projector ———–$350
    Canon GL2 Digital Camcorder w/ 3CCD ==================== 1100usd
    Sony Handycam DVD Digital Camcorder ==================== 450usd
    HDR-FX1 Sony HDR-FX1 HDV 1080i Digital Camcorder ======= 1600usd
    Sony HVR-Z1U 3-CCD HDV Professional Widescreen Mini ==== 2000usd
    Sony DCR-VX2100 MiniDV Handycam Camcorder ========= 1800usd
    CANON 7920A001 Canon GL2 Digital Camcorder ============= 700usd
    Sony Handycam HDR-HC3 HDV 1080i Camcorder ============== 500usd
    Nikon D50 ============================= 600usd
    Nikon D70 ============================= 680usd
    Sony HDR-FX1 3-CCD High Definition MiniDV ============= 1200usd
    Canon DC230 / 1.07 Megapixel CCD / 35x Optical Zoom ==== 250usd Panasonic PV-GS80 Ultra-Compact Mini DV Camcorder Kit == 170usd
    Sony Dcr-hc96 Digital Mini-dv Handycam Camcorder ======= 280usd
    Sony DCR-DVD408 DCRDVD408 DVD Camcorder Kit Camcorders = 300usd
    JVC GZ-MG37 Digital Camcorder ===== 230usd
    Sony DCRSR42 DCR-SR42 30GB Handycam Camcorder ======== 300usd
    DC50 DVD Camcorder ====================280usd

    Email: [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

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