What Judy Miller Did as an Embed, Part Three

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  1. Kagro X says:

    So, Judy burned another CIA source even before Plame, eh? Good thing nobody’s looking for a pattern of activities that… oh, wait!

    Judy Miller impedes and impairs more intelligence activities before 9AM than most people do all day.

  2. emptywheel says:

    Gosh, I hadn’t thought about it in the same way, but I guess you’re right Kagro. Named him by name she did.

    I guess I’m so used to that by now. How many times had people said that Chalabi or Allawi as a CIA asset over the years?

    But I do wonder whether the de-Baathification wasn’t Chalabi’s way of depriving the CIA of its sources. I really wonder what that Iraq covert agent thinks and or knows about this.

  3. Kagro X says:

    Wouldn’t that be an amazing thing if the NYT, after Time caved, was leaning on Judy to talk, and she sold them on the â€journalistic integrity†thing, but in reality her own lawyer had told her to keep her mouth shut, because â€they know about Janabi, and Plame would be strike two?â€

  4. emptywheel says:

    Oh, I don’t think NYT ever considered talking. In the same way that BushCO has to hide their lies, NYT has to hide its complicity in the war.

  5. Kagro X says:

    Maybe not. Two other things I wonder, though. Would publishing Janabi’s name, and then being involved in the Plame outing implicate — Agee style — the Times as well as Miller?

    And was Miller’s lawyer also the Times’ lawyer? Or were they represented separately?

  6. Anonymous says:

    â€It is not professional, and not collegial.†This is so telling; Burns sounds more like a rotating department chair at some private college for the privileged spawn of our mediocracy than an internationally renowned newspaper’s bureau chief.

    Like previous installments, this is a fascinating deconstruction of Miller’s â€workâ€. I can’t wait for the episode about the ark. Isn’t that when the story where Judy has to find Mohammed and tell him she wants to buy a blind camel comes in?

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