"Cowpie High" the Focus of Two Gay Rights Cases

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I have to say this for Cowpie High. Simply observing the Day of Silence is a hell of a lot more progressive than it was when I was there. Back then, it was almost the perfect caricature of the evilness that high school students and administrators inflict on other human beings.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Didn’t attend, and haven’t actually lived in Poway. I’ve friends that have, and do. I’ve lived in Ramona (you think Poway… never mind) and Vista.

    It’s a great case. It pits free speech issues against the safe learning environment stuff.

    I’ll admit that I tend to lean towards free speech, even when it hurts and offends. But that’s my personal bias. Given the courts decisions about student free speech rights in schools, I expect that the courts will rule for the school.

    And I can’t say I’m sorry if they do.

    Color me schizophrenic.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Egads, you’re right, Ramona is worse than Cowpie. Vista, at least, has (had?) a great football team. Good thing I was a basketball fan.

    I’m somewhat worried that the court will rule against the school district. Otherwise why would it have gotten to appeal, I wonder. If it rules against the school district, you’re in a position where schools are liable for providing a safe school environment, but can’t do what they need to to make sure they’re safe. And I also worry that if the school loses in the liberal 9th circuit, then we will have lost about the only opportunity to establish precedent that gay rights deserves the same protection as race.

  4. Anonymous says:

    â€we will have lost about the only opportunity to establish precedent that gay rights deserves the same protection as raceâ€


    It’s all about public persecution of Christians and Christianity.

    (hand on a sec, the vertigo is killing me from my eyes rolling so hard).

    We really ought to pull together a S.D. Co. gathering. There are certainly enough of us….

  5. Anonymous says:

    Courtroom coverage of this case was carried on C-SPAN2 this week. I thought that was really interesting. We need more C-SPAN channels, and more C-SPAN coverage of court proceedings.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Yeah, I stumbled on it after the Brown vote yesterday (that little CSPAN addiction I’ve been trying to break). I was so shocked at the thought that Poway was actually disciplining someone for gay-bashing I watched the whole hearing.

  7. Anonymous says:

    You were, then, watching a leading conservative candidate for Supreme Court elevation — at least when we get out of Bizarro World — in Judge Alex Kozinski. Which is why we need more courtroom coverage on TV. So we actually have some clue what we’re dealing with when the time comes.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I have one son who graduated from Poway High, one still there. Yes, the tolerance and learning environment are getting somewhat better.

    I put my kids into public school partly to learn to be tolerant and decent to people who were different from themselves. Unfortunately the problem with Poway is although there is some diversity, it’s mostly upper middle class white kids. And incredibly Republican these days. While the district as a whole is good at college prep, it isn’t too great at handling diversity.

    My younger son just said that he thinks the case is bullshit, and that the school environment is pretty tolerant, but the older son thinks it was a good case. I don’t know the particulars myself. But it’s interesting that even with just a couple of years between my boys, it’s obvious the environment has changed.

    And I would LOVE to do a local area get together – there are some great bloggers in SD County.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Well, if there is SOME diversity, it’s a damn sight better then when I went there a few decades ago, when there was none.

    But it was all republicans back then, too (including my family).

  10. Anonymous says:

    Kozinski was actually fairly interesting to watch. Too bad we’re in bizarro world and we get Brown instead. Is Kozinski the 9th Circuit judge, btw, who is a totally obsessive skiier?

  11. Anonymous says:

    As it turns out, Kozinski is an avid snowboarder, which is something I didn’t know until you asked, and I turned for answers to the most excellent Underneath Their Robes, the weblog written by â€Article Three Groupie,†or A3G, as she’s known. Kozinski receives special attention there, and if you were looking for some distinctive decorative wall hangings, you can even download a PDF of an October 1996 article in Snow Country Magazine featuring an action photo spread of Kozinski on the slopes, plus much, much more!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Hmm, Kozinski has moved onto snowboarding?

    Turns out a college roommate clerked with him. She’s a consummate liar (boy, the more I talk about my college experience the more depraved it seems), which is good, because she had to lie through her teeth about her skiing prowess to get the job. Not sure how she managed to acquire some skill before she was actually forced to hit the slopes, but she seems to have pulled it off and moved onto her own illustrious law career.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Hmm, so free speech should now be supressed if you don’t like the viewpoint? Whatever happened to â€freedom to dissentâ€? More of â€free speech for me, not for theeâ€â€¦

    Sad day in America