Scorecard: Snowden-Related Publication of Verizon’s Name — 1. ODNI Publication of Verizon’s Name — 1.

Would you lookee here?

Sometime between the time I published this post — showing ODNI did not redact anything in this passage of the January 20, 2011 phone dragnet primary order
Screen shot 2014-01-20 at 3.20.11 AM


… And this afternoon, ODNI swapped out the document such that that passage now looks like this:

Screen shot 2014-01-21 at 3.26.21 PM

I guess maybe James Clapper’s office figured it would be hard to spew their defector propaganda if they themselves had published some of the same material.

We all know how Clapper strives to cover up his own crimes.

Except they did publish it.

Meaning ODNI has caused Verizon’s name to be published in conjunction with the phone dragnet as many times as Edward Snowden has. I wait with bated breath for the ill-considered “Traitor!!!” cries to be directed against Clapper.

Update: To be clear, as I noted on this post, I didn’t find this particular redaction error (I’ve got some more … interesting ones). Michael alerted me to it on Twitter. I just decided to point out that ODNI had tried to cover this up.

6 replies
  1. What Constitution? says:


    Makes Snowden look like, I dunno, a hero?

  2. emptywheel says:

    @klynn: Well, I took the screenshots for the earlier post. I had not, pathetically, saved copies myself. But I also had not shut down the document all weekend, so I managed to print a PDF.


  3. pdaly says:


    Does that redaction imply that emptywheel’s post is also now stamped top secret, at least in the intelligence community?

  4. Peterr says:

    I sit waiting with baited breath for Clapper to take to the airwaves and demand that the person who posted the unredacted version of the document be thrown in prison for endangering national security by revealing sources and methods that jeopardize ongoing intelligence operations.

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