The Emptywheel Two Million Visit Fundraiser

I’ve been so busy covering the Syria war effort and NSA spying that I almost missed it: on September 6, we will receive our two millionth visitor. To celebrate that fact — and to ensure we can keep doing this work — we’re going to have a week-long fundraiser. You can donate via PayPal here:

Or send snailmail to:

Emptywheel, LLC
P.O. Box 1673
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49501-1673

Thanks to all who have donated generously in the past — and for those who can support us now.

21 replies
  1. scribe says:

    Does that 2 million include the NSA hoovering the site and everyone’s info, or is it just the unclassified visitorship?

  2. allan says:

    Surely the 2 millionth Emptywheeler should get some kind of a door prize.
    A romantic weekend with DiFi or Mike Rogers, depending on one’s taste?

    Keep up the good work.

  3. posaune says:

    Happy to contribute. Will do so again when the tax refund arrives. Wow – is THAT a satisfying thought: an IRS tax refund going to Emptywheel. Makes my day.

  4. Tom in AZ says:

    Marcy, how you can keep cranking it out is an awesome benefit to us all. Wish I could add a couple of zeros. Can’t, but you are a crown jewel. Thanks for all your work. Love you. And, you said blowjob on TV! Rock on, woman.

  5. GulfCoastPirate says:

    I don’t have a PayPal account and don’t want to sign up for one. Can we just send a check made out to the legal entity listed above or do we make it out to you directly?

  6. Casual Observer says:

    @GulfCoastPirate: You don’t need to create an account to pay via paypal. You can contribute as a guest, no account, just fill in the CC data as with any other online purchase. Hope this helps.

  7. FFEIN says:

    A little something coming from a very appreciative lurker in Ann Arbor. I learn so much from this site. Thank you!

  8. What Constitution? says:

    Thank you, youse guys are goooood. My poor but heartfelt contribution is to be used for any purpose you wish, including more pajamas, timeline software, craft brews or soon-to-be-formerly-obscure bands (I’m still reveling in “Let’s Get Wrecked”, bmaz). Carry on!

  9. Tom in AZ says:

    @bmaz: Thanks for asking, bmaz. Things go. Some days better than others, and many have it way worse than me, so not complaining except about TPTB. I am here way more than I comment the last few months, and others are way more informed than me on a lot of this. I print and share this site several days a week. Being from here, you know the mental headwinds we’re up against, just trying to get simple facts out.

  10. joanneleon says:

    Congrats, Marcy, Jim and bmaz. You guys are the best. I don’t know what I’d do without you.

    Can’t send much but will be sending something very soon.


  11. burnt says:

    The check is in the PayPal. This mostly lurker says keep up the good work. Contact me anytime if you need a pdf made searchable. Here is to not indicting Mr. Z.

  12. Compound F says:

    Thank you for your analyses. You are both cognizant and kind. I don’t do pay pal, etc. I’ll send a modest contribution ($20) thru snail mail, if you don’t mind. I’m hardly in the position for grand gestures.

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