Here’s Your Dang March on Peyton’s Colts Trash Already!!!
The people have issued their demands. And–belatedly–we’re responding.
Here’s your damned Trash.
I tried to talk bmaz into doing it, but he’s so torqued up about the hope of getting Peyton and the belief the Broncos will get him, I don’t think he’s up to it. So I’ll have to do it.
We’ll start with March Madness. I stopped watching mens hoops years ago. And in my old age, I’ve actually started enjoying women’s hoops more. (I love Baylor–Brittney Griner reminds me and Mr. EW of a guy we used to play ultimate with–super tall, looked like he (she) was running slow-motion, but gracefully kicks ass, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Texas A&M goes far again.) Plus, since OSU avenged their earlier season loss to the Wolvereenies by utterly shellacking UM over the weekend, I’m grumpy. But, hey, the MSU Spartans reportedly have the easiest bracket, so I’ll root for the local champs.
I have, however, been following the PeytonBowl.
Let me just say right now I don’t think Peyton is healthy. No one has had him throw!!!! I know he’s a legend, but don’t you ask him to throw before making this deal?!?! In fact, I was trying to console bmaz earlier that when the Broncos get Peyton, it’ll be just as well because if Peyton’s not healthy it’s better not to go through that drama (and deal Kolb, who I think is a better QB right now than Tebow). So let him go to the Broncos, let John Elway deal Tebow to Jacksonville, and let Peyton win a few more games for a very stiff price while freeing Elway of his little Tebow problem. A happy ending for almost everyone.
In any case, I think the Cardinals made a terrible mistake. I’m a bit partial to Spidey Fitzgerald. Okay, a lot partial to Spidey Fitzgerald. But if you’re trying to convince last decades’ legend he wants to retire in your city, don’t you have him throw to Spidey Fitz? As I noted, Peyton didn’t throw, period.
Finally, courtesy of Rosalind, here’s the colt that has won the week so far: Zenyatta’s baby. There’s apparently gonna be a big baby shower at Santa Anita this weekend–maybe Rosalind will give us some reporting from the scene.