DOJ Once Again Succeeds Where DOD Has Failed
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab?
Going to prison for life–Florence SuperMax in CO, which is a much tougher prison than Gitmo.
He has been in custody for 2 years and 53 days.
Abd al Rahim al-Nashiri? He has been in custody for roughly 9 years, 3 months, and 15 days, for a crime committed over 11 years ago. His trial process is only beginning.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed? He has been in custody for just short of 9 years, for a crime he committed 10 years, 5 months, and 5 days ago. His trial won’t begin this year.
This sending terrorists to jail for the rest of their life isn’t that hard. It’s only hard when you try to invent an entirely new legal system to do the job, rather than using the perfectly functional legal system that has proven its ability to do this over and over before.
Update: Adam Serwer talks about how Abdulmutallab made us so scared we passed the NDAA. I would add, he also made us all subject to gate grope.
Also note, the beleaguered city of Detroit did what Chuck Schumer and Ray Kelly were too chicken shit to do.
@emptywheel: Not only that, but Detroit was kicking off the Hutaree trial today. All while hosting key presidential candidates.
I bet none of the R candidates will even mention it. People might notice which party the Hutaree were with.
Depends how you define success.
See mswinkle comment on David Dayen’s post Abdulmutallab Sentencing Shows That Civilian Courts Sufficient to Prosecute Terrorism:
I recognize that story — the guy in court must be Kurt Haskell, who I see has been interviewed on Antiwar Radio three times — this was the last, from October 2011:
I must disagree that Florence Supermax is worse than Gitmo. It depends where in Gitmo the prisoner is held. In addition, you must overlook the psychologically deleterious effects of indefinite detention. Your article and sentiment in general is fine, but beware falling into cant.
Also the detainees at Guantanamo are still subject to abusive Appendix M interrogations, and there have been 100s of them in the Obama years.
In any case, both prisons constitute inhumane conditions of confinement.
@thatvisionthing: Thank you mswinkle and thatvisionthing. The example of using false bombs by the government/FBI goes back at least to 1996 9/11 bombing, when FBI informant Emad Salem said the plan was to supply harmless explosives to the terrorists. But as the plan was proceeding, he was pulled off. Ramzi Yousef was called in to replace his bomb making expertise, and the rest is history… though I doubt we know the full story even yet.