Udall Amendment Fails 37-61
In the battle of two wrong sides, the Democrats lost, with the Udall Amendment failing 37-61. The vote is interesting, first of all, as a read of Obama’s ability to sustain a veto. Right now, the militarists do not have a two-thirds majority to override.
Also of interest are some of the Democrats voting against the Udall Amendment, most notably Sheldon Whitehouse.
Rand Paul and Mark Kirk are the only two Republicans to vote in favor of Udall.
I’ll have a more complete discussion of the vote count shortly.
Update: Here’s the roll call. The Dems voting against are:
- Casey
- Conrad
- Hagan*
- Inouye
- Kohl
- Landrieu
- Levin*
- Lieberman*
- Manchin*
- McCaskill*
- Menendez
- Bad Nelson*
- Pryor
- Reed*
- Shaheen*
- Stabenow
- Whitehouse
I’m interested in the way the Dem SASC members voted. I’ve put asterisks next to those people above; SASC members voting for Udall’s Amendment are Udall himself, Akaka, Webb, Gillibrand, and Blumenthal. Begich did not vote.
Update: Ron Paul corrected to Rand per skinla.