SuperCongress Transparency: Dave Camp Staffer Lies to Avoid Talking to Citizens


After the Take Back the American Dream conference yesterday, we had a rally for Jobs and then lobbied SuperCongress to make sure their plans supported jobs, not just cuts.

As Nicole Sandler notes, the staffers in Jeb Hensarling and Fred Upton’s office politely listened to what we had to say.

Not so Dave Camp’s office. After locking the door of their office for about ten minutes, a staffer then walked out, apparently to get rid of us. After telling us clearly that Camp’s Legislative Director, whom we had asked to speak to, was in the Capitol, he ultimately handed me his card.

It read, “Rob Guido, Legislative Director.”


7 replies
  1. rugger9 says:

    SO, exactly how much play is this [continued] lying getting in the MSM? None.

    While everyone would agree that lying should be punished, it won’t.

  2. klynn says:

    Sounds like we need a law about taxation with no misrepresentation.

    Would love to see this visit done again with everyone in suits with briefcases and starting out with the lines, “We are with The People Inc and have some legislative ideas that could foster profitability.”

    You do not have to say, “Profitability for the 99%.”

  3. Timbo says:

    Good catch. Yeah, they lie when they don’t know what else to say or do to assuage the populace. This guy should be fired and the Congressman should not be locking his door because he’s too cowardly to face his own constituency.

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